October 14

Post of Comments

Aaron Blog-The Great Flood of 2016; “Hey Aaron! I was intrested by your blog title. I can relate to this because people in the Southern part of Texas was affected by hurricane Harvey. I can relate to your story because my cousins two-story apartment got flooded to half stairs. They lost everything including cars. The good thing is everyone is safe!”

Kiley- Merry Halloween Month;” I really enjoyed reading your post! Kiley I believe you have an amazing creativity… honestly I didnt figure out what your joke was until, i saw someones comments answering it. Keep up the good wrighting!”

Brads post-The Feelig of Breaking a Record; ”Hey Brad, I read how you felt great of braking state record in Texas, but unfortunately someone else broke your record. I can relate to this because something similar happened to me. Back in 5th grade, my history teacher asked the class to memories all 50 states of the U.S.A with its capital. I wasn’t the first one to get a 100 on the quiz the following week, but I worked for it and fortunately got the top score in my class. The sad part is the week after a classmate beat my score, and it didn’t feel as great as being the top in class. If you really like what you do, work hard for it and you’ll have great results!”

Conner- My First post; “Hey Connor! I read you like to collect sea shells and fossils as your hobbies. However i’m curious to know if there is a specific place you like to collect sea shells or fossils, or where do you find them the most?”

Posted October 14, 2017 by salmag2022 in category Uncategorized

About the Author

My name is Salma and I am a Beta Academy scholar.

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